
“Wallada”, the AWSA-Be library, contains Arab literature as well as reference works concerning the questions of women and the Arab world. The books are either in French, Arabic, Dutch or English. The library is a wonderful reference tool if you are looking for information on different topics related to the living conditions of women from the Arab world and wish to analyse different aspects. Children’s books are also available.

The library catalogue is accessible on-line thanks to the work of Michaela Bardaro, librarian.

AWSA-Be has chosen to name the library “Wallada”, in reference to the Andalusian poetess. This poetess used to organise literary salons in her home, with poets, philosophers and artists. She was also committed to the education of women. Because of her free spirit, her courage and her awareness, Wallada represents a key figure of feminism to the association.

The library is located at HuisvandeMens: 17 Square Sainctelette, 1000 Brussels.

The library is open every Monday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. or by appointment via or 02/229.38.64.

Are you looking for a specific book? Do you have a suggestion? Send us an email via with the subject "Suggestion Wallada".